Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Happy New Year! 

I know...a little late but better late than never right? So I'll be doing some changes to my blog and getting things finally updated and shiny and new for this 2017. So many things I have on my mind to blog about! Don't even get me started on The Bachelor...cause that's coming! 

Hope everyone has had a great start to their New Year so far! It's already been one heck of a start for me! 

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Prayer...it's a heart thing

I began this blog in 2011. Can you guess the top search term that lands readers here? It is “lottery prayer that works.” That phrase has shown up within the top search terms literally every week of this blog’s existence. If that’s why you are here, then let me help you. Look at this awesome […]

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Couple Clause


Dating...it can be something of a challenge as we get older. Heck, it has always been a challenge for me. I'm at the point in my life where friends now start to tell me about their vacation plans years ahead of time. I'm invited to go...only if at that time I have someone to go with as well. That's right, I have entered into a Couple Clause. *tick tock*

Has this happened to you?

I honestly didn't know it had come to this. I had never, at 34 years old (thanks December birthday), thought of myself in this situation. Just like Tim Allen in The Santa Clause 2, I have been given an ultimatum. Although I may not be saving Christmas the sentiment is the same. I cannot pass go without marriage.

Why do other couples do this to their single friends? Has it  been so long that they have  forgotten what its like to date? Do they want so desperately to see their single friends married for some reason? Is it not possible to be single and Heaven forbid...happy?

I take this all into consideration when this is brought to my attention. Couples doing things. Couples going places. And I understand from a Couples perspective that it can be a bit odd having a Single friend there amongst all the pairs. It's odd for me too!

The thing is, ALL people are single at some point in their lives. For some it is a little longer than others. And yes, there are those that choose to remain single for the rest of their time on this Earth. The point is to respect that, to cherish the time you can have with them before it all becomes about fitting one another into each others schedules.

bag-of-salt         myth-of-living-life-to-the-fullest.jpg

God's timing and plans are far greater than my own. It's hard enough for me to understand it myself so please don't make it any harder. Be patient with me, my time is coming and it will be better than anything I could have imagined.